Monday, May 23, 2011

New Butt Cap Idea

Extended eva + cap trim section
(Idea source: Smith Komodo Dragon)

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fuji PSS-LD (E)

Fuji created the (E) "econo" colour in 2010 to eventually replace the (IC) colour we have been using for guides/hoods.

I decided to use the Fuji (E) LD hood from Matagi to compliment my PSS seat. 
Next up, two piece conventional:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

215workshop Mita Mita Jigging Rod is on Matagi English blog & Facebook

I am delighted to inform you that my Mita Mita 250g jigger has made it to the front page of the MATAGI English blog site. 2011/04/08.  The link is also active on facebook.

It's a honour to have the photos displayed on a site with viewers of rod building interest viewing my work.  Although humbled I am ultimately thankful for Mamoru san providing exceptional vision in his products along with having them inspire us all !

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Custom Reel Seat Selection - Fuji FK7 DPS-LD 20 Soft Touch Reel Seat

Enter Soft Touch Reel Seats:

I have been planning for a few custom rods.  I decided on a few that can exhibit the right theme.  From right to left are all DPS-LD size 20 (B), (FK7), (E) colours.

Installing Matagi FBC-VR Ring on Fuji Graphite Gimbal Size 22

This ring is usually installed as a reel seat ring placed on the side opposite the threads.

I ran across this idea when I was trying to remove the Fuji Rubber Cap from the gimbal.  When pulling with force the cap and ring stack (chrome rings + graphite ring) came loose.  I was in awe and decided to try the FBC-VR ring in place of the stack.  It worked.

The installation will fit only Fuji GC-22 size only.  Not size GC-25.  Note GC-25 is used in photos below.  Cheers.

Finished Product - Thank you Mamoru San for a great product.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mita 250g fotoshoot - Pre Decal


Blank:  Blackhole 250g Nano
Guides:  Fuji T-HVSG, T-SVSG, T-LNSG
Tip:  Fuji T-MNST
Seat:  Custom Painted Matagi DPS-LD (E) Real Marble 20
Grip:   Matagi Super Support Eva
Thread:  Gudebrod Nylon, Prowrap Colorfast
Butt:  Fuji Graphite + Matagi (an original idea)
Bling: Matagi seat grommet, Fuji ring
